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Latest Updates on UAE Embassy Attestation in Delhi

Apostille attestation is a necessary process if you want to move to another country. This process helps prove and verify the reliability of your documents. However, before you start with it you should have an understanding of how it works. Furthermore, you must be clear of its latest updates. So today here we will discuss the latest updates on the UAE embassy attestation in Delhi.

What is UAE Embassy Attestation?

UAE embassy attestation is the process of verifying documents to confirm their legality and authenticity for international use. There are multiple steps you have to go through to complete this process, such as notary attestation, state-level attestation, ministry of external affairs attestation, and UAE embassy attestation. 

Main Updates on UAE Embassy Attestation

  1. Online Appointment System

The latest update on embassy attestation is the facility of an online appointment system. Now you don’t have to queue in front of attestation offices to gain forms etc. You can simply visit the websites to have these facilities.

  1. Document Categories Extended

The UAE embassy now requires a large number of documents for attestation, such as your birth certificate, marriage certificate, degrees, work experience certificate, etc.

  1. Attestation for Digital Degrees

If you have any digital degrees you want to prove the authenticity of then you should have them attested too. The UAE embassy attests to the digital degrees and certificates. Hence, you can attest to your online degrees too.

  1. Enhanced Verification Standards

The verification standards in the earlier years were easy, however, now things are changing. We have enhanced verification standards. Hence, now you must ensure your documents are genuine, error-free, and properly translated where necessary before you submit the application.

  1. New Working Hours & Holidays

The offices where you need to visit for the attestation process now have new working hours and holidays. You should confirm this information before visiting them.

  1. Revised Attestation Fees

The fee structure for the UAE embassy attestation has been changed. You should gain the correct information before go through this process.

Tips for a Hassle-Free Process

The most important tip everyone should know for a hassle-free process is to hire an experienced agency. There are many agencies that provide such services, they know the easy way to perform the whole process in a timely manner. However, if you going to handle the attestation process by yourself then you should learn the current information about it. Furthermore, you should be prepared beforehand for delays and wrong information.

Contact Trust Attestation for an Easy & Fast UAE Embassy Attestation in Delhi!

If you looking for a trusted and reliable agency to have a relaxing and fast UAE & Oman embassy attestation in Delhi then you should contact Trust Attestation! This is an experienced agency that has been working in this service for many years. Every customer here can leave the whole work to this agency and still receive the attested documents on time. So contact them right now to receive the best services on time!

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